+371 27884438 martins@mikelbaka.lv

Cookie Policy

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise your device, preferences and can be used to improve your online experience. You can find more information about cookies at www.aboutcookies.org.

We use cookies to ensure the functionality of the website, and to learn more about how visitors use our site to provide you with better content. We use two types of cookies – required and analytical. Below you will find explanation how we use data stored in these cookies.

Required cookies: these cookies are required in order to use the website; they do not collect any personal information on users and their behaviours.

Analytical cookies: these cookies collect anonymous information on user behaviour on the website, for example, which pages are most visited. This data is used to improve the content and usability of the website.

Cookie name Provider Category Cookie purpose Type Expiry
cookie_notice_accepted mikelbaka.lv Required Stores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain HTTP 30 days
mphb_session mikelbaka.lv Required Stores information about the progress of a booking request. HTTP Session
__utm* mikelbaka.lv Analytical Stores anonymous information about the visitor’s device and behavior to generate statistical data. HTTP
__utma 2 years
__utmb 1 hour
__utmb Session
__utmt 10 minutes
__utmz 6 months
__RequestVerificationToken snazzymaps.com Required Stops unauthorised posting of content to Snazzymaps.com, a service that provides interactive maps. HTTP Session
_ga snazzymaps.com Analytical Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. HTTP 2 years
_gid snazzymaps.com Analytical Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. HTTP 1 day
ARRAffinity snazzymaps.com Required Used for load balancing to make sure the visitor page requests are routed to the same server in any browsing session. HTTP 1 week
ASP.NET_SessionId snazzymaps.com Required Used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server HTTP Session
snazzy-maps-bounds snazzymaps.com Required Stores user preferences for interactive maps. HTTP 1 week